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Friday, March 20, 2009

Bento #3

my MIL told me that Lil Ariel will be very excited to see what's inside her bento box every morning (okay, just these 2 mornings so far). she cannot wait to open it up. I feel so happy just by hearing that. actually I should have realised that earlier. whenever I take out her thermal food container during lunch when we are outside, she is always very eager to open it up. she is indeed one curious baby.

Kris knew that I'm into this hobby now, she volunteered to lend me the Hello Kitty and My Melody egg mold she bought sometime ago. however the instructions on the box were in Japanese, so we could not understand what it says at all. so I asked Mr Google and he taught me how to do it.

I had to put the de-shelled hard-boiled egg into mold straight after I take out from the pot. meaning, it is so freaking hot! then lock the mold and put it into the fridge straight away for 5 min. being a tad kiasu, I left it inside for 10 min. haa... then I proceed to cut the apples, cheese and arrange her bento box. anyway when I took out the egg from the mold (I used the Hello Kitty one today), and found out that the Hello Kitty I made got NO EARS!! *gasp* haha... poor kitty, maybe she prefer to hear no evil? blame the picture that is printed on the box. I think I will try putting the egg the other way round next time.

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