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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

a mother's worry

brought little Ariel down to see the paed at Mt. Alvernia (we decided switch her paed cuz Mt. A is much nearer) yesterday. she was vomitting a lot and the vomit actually "shoots" out from her mouth instead of flowing out. somemore she had been crying and yelling whenever I tried to nursed her. I'm so worried that she's not thriving and my milk supply was dropping.

the paed assured me that she's gaining good weight. she weighed 4kg as at yesterday. she said that Ariel has a lot of wind in her tummy, thus causing her to vomit a lot and probably causing her to be uncomfortable when I nurse her. she prescribed some wind drops for her.

I like to see her taking the wind drops. she'll give a "yucks" face when I gave her. after that she'll farts a lot, even when feeding. :P

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